This topic covers general/basic concepts of measurement and estimation. Unit conversions are one of the "main" ideas here as well, so make sure you understand them.
If you just want the answer to each problem, look for where it says "FINAL ANSWER". Otherwise, I've written out explanations of each one in case you'd like to learn
the proper methods of solving them (which I recommend).
The problems on each page for this book will be split into two parts. The first part consists of the conceptual questions and standard problems that can be found in the book.
The second part consists of additional conceptual questions in the form of "Multiple Choice" problems. These aren't publicly available, and are only provided to teachers
for use as WebAssign problems on the WileyPlus version of the course. I'm aware of the existence of even more teacher-exclusive problems that exist for the WebAssign course,
but I don't have access to all of these.
Below each question will be the solution, in my own words. I attempt to be as precise and detailed as possible, but if you're not understanding something
then just e-mail me and I will edit the explanation accordingly.
These are roughly ordered by their approximate difficulty (easiest to hardest), so I suggest not tackling a question unless you can solve everything above it.
Please attempt the problems yourself before looking at the explanation.
If you would like me to go over a certain problem, or contact me for any other reason, please email me at If you want to support my work and help me continue to maintain sites like this, subscribe to my YouTube channel here.
Part 1: Chapter 1 Conceptual Questions and Problems
ProblemsMeasuring Things, Including Lengths
(a) The formula for the circumference of a circle or sphere is C = 2πRE, where RE is the radius of the Earth. Let's plug in 6.37 x 10^6 m for the radius and solve.
C = 2πRE = 2π(6.37 x 10^3 km) = 4.00 x 10^4 km.
(b) The formula for the surface area of a sphere is A = 4πRE2. Let's once again apply our radius to this formula:
A = 4πRE2 = 4π(6.37 x 10^3 km)^2 = 5.10 x 10^8 km^2.
(c) The formula for the volume of a sphere is V = 4π/3 RE3. You know the drill by now.
V = 4π/3 RE3 = 4π/3 (6.37 x 10^3 km)^3 = 1.08 x 10^12 km^3.
Notice that the power on the unit is consistent with the dimension. For instance, volume is a three-dimensional unit, so we write its unit as "kilometers cubed". Circumference is a type of length, which is one-dimensional, so the unit doesn't have an exponent (exponent of 1). Realizing this might help you memorize the formulas for the circumference, area, and volume.
(b) 5.10 x 10^8 km^2
(c) 1.08 x 10^12 km^3
1 gry = (1/10 line)(1/12 inch)(72 points) = 0.60 point.
Of course, we're dealing with squared units in this case, so let's square both sides of this conversion factor:
1 gry2 = (0.60 point)2 = 0.36 point2
Now that we have a conversion rate from squared grys to squared points. Now use this conversion to convert 0.50 gry2 into point2:
0.50 gry2 = (0.50 gry2)(0.36 point2 / 1 gry2) = 0.18 point2
(a) How many microns make up 1.0 km?
(b) What fraction of a centimeter equals 1.0 μm?
(c) How many microns are in 1.0 yd?
(a) There are 1000 meters in a kilometer, so 1 km = 1000 m. Most people probably know that already. The "micro" prefix is a little trickier, so if you aren't familiar with it already then it's a good thing to memorize. Basically, it's the opposite of the "mega" (million) prefix, so a micrometer / micron is the same as one millionth of a meter. There are one million microns in a meter. Now, let's use this knowledge to get the answer via the basic conversion method:
1.0 km * (1000 m / 1 km) * (1000000 μm / 1 m) = 1000000000 μm
That's 1 with nine 0's after it, or one billion. If you want to make it prettier, you can rewrite it in scientific notation as such:
(1.0 x 109)μm
(b) This time we're converting microns to centimeters. 1 m = 100 cm.
1.0μm * (1 m / 1000000 μm) * (100 cm / 1 m) = 0.0001 cm, or 1/10000ths of a centimeter. This fraction can also be written as 1.0 x 10-4, or 1/104.
(c) Same as the above two processes. This one is trickier, however, because the yard is an imperial unit (rather than a metric unit) and doesn't mathematically line up nicely with the other units of measurement typically used. You might just want to look up the conversion rate for problems like this, since I personally don't think metric-to-imperial conversion rates are really worth memorizing. 1 yd = 0.9144 m, exactly.
1.0yd * (0.9144 m / 1 yd) * (1000000 μm / 1 m) = 914400 μm, or 9.1 x 105 μm if you prefer to write it more simply and don't mind shaving off a few nonzero digits.
(b) 10-4
(c) 9.1 x 105 μm
0.80 cm = (0.80 cm)(1 inch / 2.54 cm)(6 picas / 1 inch) ≈ 1.9 picas
(b) We now consider that 12 points = 1 pica:
0.80 cm = (0.80 cm)(1 inch / 2.54 cm)(6 picas / 1 inch)(12 points / 1 pica) ≈ 23 points
(b) 23 points
(a) 4.0 furlongs = (4.0 furlongs)(201.168 m / 1 furlong)(1 rod / 5.0292 m) = 160 rods
(b) 4.0 furlongs = (4.0 furlongs)(201.168 m / 1 furlong)(1 chain / 20.117 m) = 40 chains
(b) 40 chains

(a) The cahiz column: We can see from the top row that 1 cahiz = 12 fanega, so the inverse of this would be that 1 fanega = 1/12 cahiz. To fill out the first blank in the cahiz columb, we take 1/12 cahiz and write it with three significant figures: 1/12 cahiz = 8.33 x 10-2 cahiz. We can apply this general process to the rest of the blanks in this column; Since 1 cahiz = 48 fanega, 1 cuartilla = 1/48 cahiz = 2.08 x 10-2 cahiz. 1 cahiz = 144 almude, so 1 almude = 1/144 cahiz = 6.94 x 10-3 cahiz. 1 cahiz = 288 medio, so 1 medio = 1/288 cahiz = 3.47 x 10-3 cahiz.
(b) We switch gears slightly and focus on the fanega column. As we can see from the fanega row, 1 fanega = 4 cuartilla, so 1 cuartilla = 1/4 fanega = 0.250 cahiz. At this point, you probably get the idea, and the process becomes very easy (although it's admittedly monotonous). For the rest of the column, we find 8.33 x 10-2, and 4.17 x 10-2.
(c) For the cuartilla column, using the same process as in part (a) and part (b), we find 0.333 and 0.167.
(d) In the almude column, we get 0.500 for the only blank entry.
(e) Now we want to convert 7.00 almudes to medios. Fortunately, the conversion table we just created will help us with that. We know from the table that 1 almude = 2 medio.
7.00 almudes = (7.00 almudes)(2 medios / 1 almude) = 14.0 medios
(f) In this case, we want to use the fact that 1 almude = 6.94 x 10-3 cahiz.
7.00 almudes = (7.00 almudes)(6.94 x 10-3 cahiz / 1 almude) = 4.86 x 10-2 cahiz
(g) The problem gives us the conversion factor between dm and fanegas, so we convert from almudes to fanegas and then dm.
7.00 almudes = (7.00 almudes)(1 fanega / 12 almude)(55.501 dm3 / 1 fanega) = 3.24 x 104 cm3
(b) 0.250, 8.33 x 10-2, 4.17 x 10-2
(c) 0.333, 0.167
(d) 0.500
(e) 14.0 medios
(f) 4.86 x 10-2
(g) 3.24 x 104 cm3
1 acre•ft = (43,560 ft2)•ft = 43,560 ft3
Now let's find the volume of the water hitting the town. This should be equal to the area of the town (26 squared kilometers) times the "thickness" of the water (2.0 inches of rain). Let's multiply these measurements by one another, also keeping in mind to convert the units properly. The important conversion factors to know is that 1 km = 3281 ft, and 1 ft = 12 inches.
V = (26 km2)(2.0 in.) = (26 km2)(3281 ft / km)2(2.0 in.)(1 ft / 12 in.) = 4.66 x 107
We now have found the volume of the water that hit the town. The problem asks us to give this volume in acre•ft, however, so we'll use the conversion factor that we calculated earlier:
V = (4.66 x 107)(1 acre•ft / 43,560 ft) = 1.1 x 103 acre•ft

(a) It's easy to convert from Smoots to Willies, because the diagram clearly shows that 212 S = 258 W. We can use this to convert:
50.0 S = (50.0 S)(258 W / 212 S) = 60.8 W
(b) Converting from Smoots or Willies to Zeldas is trickier, because we don't actually know where the "zero" point on the Zelda path is, so we don't know for sure if 216 Z is equal to 212 S or 258 W. However, we do have the "60" points adjacent to one another, so we can say that 212 S - 32 S = 180 S is equal to 216 Z - 60 Z = 156 Z. In simpler terms, 180 S = 156 Z.
50.0 S = (50.0 S)(156 Z / 180 S) = 43.3 Z
(b) 43.3 Z

V = π/2 * r2z
We want our answer in cubic centimeters, so let's convert the radius and the thickness into centimeters:
r = (2000 km)(103 / 1 km)(102 / 1 m) = 2000 x 105 cm
z = 3000 m = (3000 m)(102 cm / 1 m) = 3000 x 102 cm
Now plug these values into our volume formula above:
V = π/2 * r2z = π/2 * (2000 x 105 cm)2(3000 x 102 cm) = 1.9 x 1022 cm3
360° / 24 h = 15°
That's 15° per hour. Therefore, a person must travel 15° before they must reset their watch by an hour.
French week / Standard week = 10/7 = 1.43
(b) One decimal day = 10 * 100 * 100 = 105 s. One standard day = 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 s. These are not the values we'll use, however - they need to be inverted first. If there are 105 seconds in one decimal day, then one french second is 1/105 of a french day. This same logic applies to the number of seconds in a standard day. Therefore,
French second / Standard second = (10-5)/(1/86400) = 0.864
(b) 0.864
(3.7 m / 14 day)(106 μm / 1 m)(1 day / 86,400 s) = 3.1 μm/s

Of course, there is still going to be a y-intercept there, which we can find by setting the points equal to each other:
tC = 2/7 * tB + b = 92.0 = 2/7 * (25.0) + b --> b = 594/7
So the actual formula would be tC = 2/7 * tB + 594/7
We apply this same method to find a formula for clock B in terms of clock A; tB = 33/40 * tA - 662/5
(a) Now let's actually begin applying these relationships. If we want to find a difference in time on clock B due to a difference in time on clock A, the relationship can be seen as:
tB' - tB = 33/40 * (tA' - tA)
Since the difference in time (on clock A) is 600 seconds, then...
tB' - tB = 33/40 * (600 s) = 495 s
(b) Now apply this change to clock C:
tC' - tC = 2/7 * (tB' - tB) = 2/7 * (495) = 141 s
(c) Instead of calculating a difference, now we want to find the actual reading of clock B based on clock A. This time, we'll actually want to consider the y-intercepts we found earlier.
tB = 33/40 * tA - 662/5 = (33/40) * (400) - 662/5 ≈ 198 s
(d) Now we want to find the reading on clock B due to a time on clock C.
tC = 15 = (2/7)tB + (594/7) --> tB ≈ -245 s
(b) 141 s
(c) 198 s
(d) -245 s

find the percentage difference from the approximation.
1 μcentury = (10-6 century)(100 y / 1 century)(365 day / 1 y)(24 h / 1 day)(60 min / 1 h) = 52.6 min
(b) We use the lecture period (50 min) as our approximation, and the value we calculated in part (a) as the "actual" value.
(52.6 min - 50 min)/(52.6 min) = 4.9%
(b) 4.9%
1 fortnight = (2 weeks)(7 days / 1 week)(24 h / 1 day)(3600 s / 1 h)(106 μm / 1 s) = 1.21 x 1012 μs
f = (1 rotation) / (1.557 806 448 872 75 x 10-3 s)
The time interval we're given is 7.00 days = 604,800 s. We use this to find the number of rotations at the above frequency:
(a) N = (1 rotation / 1.557 806 448 872 75 x 10-3 s)(604,800 s) = 3.88 x 108 rotations
(b) In this case, we have the number of rotations and want to find the time. So the formula we used previously can be applied like this:
1 x 106 = (1 rotation / 1.557 806 448 872 75 x 10-3 s)*t --> t = 1557.80644887275 s
(c) The problem tells us that the uncertainty associated with one revolution is ±3 x 10-17 s. The uncertainty associated with one million revolutions should then be:
(±3 x 10-17 s)(1 x 106) = ±3 x 10-11 s
(b) 1557.80644887275 s
(c) ±3 x 10-11 s

Notice that clocks C and D both seem to have perfectly consistent time discrepencies, meaning they can be fixed with simple and predictable corrections. Since C is closer to zero than D, we say that C is somewhat better than D.
After the two obvious corrections, the other three clocks are pretty distinct in their ranges of correction. A has a very small range of correction, B has a noticeably larger range of correction, and E has a massive range of correction. Our final ranking, then, is C, D, A, B, E.
193 gal = (193 gal)(231 in3 / 1 gal)(2.54 cm / 1 in)3 = 7.31 x 105 cm3
Recall that the problem asks us "how much short of 1.0 million cubic centimeters" that the conversion is. So we subtract from 1 x 106 cm3.
1 x 106 cm3 - 7.31 x 105 cm3 = 2.69 x 105 cm3.
(b) First of all, the volume found in part (a) is (7.31 x 105 cm3)(100 cm / 1 m)3 = 0.731 m3. Based on the density of water we're given, this corresponds to a mass of
(1000 kg/m3)(0.731 m3) = 731 kg.
The amount of time it takes for this mass to fill is
(731 kg)(0.0018 kg/min) = 4.06 x 105 min = 0.77 y.
(b) 4.06 x 105 min = 0.77 y
N = (5.98 x 1024 kg)/(40 u) * (1 u / 1.661 x 10-27 kg) = 9.0 x 1049 atoms
The formula for density is ρ = m/V. Solving for the volume of this gold sheet:
V = m/ρ = (27.63 g)/(19.32 g/cm3) = (1.430 cm3)(1 m / 100 cm)3 = 1.430 x 10-6 m3.
The thickness of the leaf is given as z = 1 x 10-6 m. Now we solve for A:
A = (1.430 x 10-6 m3)/(1 x 10-6 m) = 1.430 m2
(b) Now the geometry is a cylinder rather than a gold leaf. If ℓ is the length of the cylinder, then the volume of the cylinder is V = Aℓ. A is the cross-sectional area of the cylinder, and since the cross-sectional area of the cylinder is a circle, A = πr2. Now we solve for ℓ:
V = πr2ℓ --> ℓ = V/(πr2) = (1.430 x 10-6 m3)/[π(2.500 x 10-6 m)2] = 7.284 x 104 m = 72.84 km
(b) 7.284 x 104 m = 72.84 km
Probably the hardest part of this problem for people is realizing that the conversion from cm3 to m3 is not the same as from cm to m. These are 3-dimensional units, after all. Typically, the conversion rate is (100 cm / 1 m), but because this expansion is being made from three directions, we'll cube this conversion entirely: (100 cm / 1 m) * (100 cm / 1 m) * (100 cm / 1 m) = (1000000 cm3 / m3), or ((1.0 x 106 cm3) / m3).
1g/cm3 * (1 kg / 1000 g) * (1.0 x 106 cm3/m3) = 1000 kg/m3
Great. Now that we have the water's density in a manageable format, let's actually solve the problem.
The density formula is Density = Mass/Volume. Solve for Mass and it becomes Mass = Density * Volume. Plug in our values and...
(1000kg/m3)(1 m3) = 1000 kg
(b) Once again, this problem becomes very straightforward once we have the units converted accordingly. Let's convert the hours into seconds, and m^3 into kilograms. 1 m^3 of water = 1000 kg, assuming the water perfectly weighs 1kg/L in this scenario.
10.0h * (3600s/1h) = 36000s
5700 m3 * (1000 kg / 1 m3) = 5700000 kg
Now to divide to solve for kg/s:
(5700000 kg)/(36000 s) = 158 kg/s
And we're all set.
(b) 158 kg/s
Additional Problems
(75 g)(1 kg/ 1 g)(1 u / 1.660 538 86 x 10-27 kg) = 4.52 x 1025 u
(7.5 moles)(6.02 x 1023 atoms / 1 mole) = 4.515 x 1024 atoms
Now we divide the mass by the number of atoms, to find the average mass per atom.
(4.52 x 1025 u / 4.515 x 1024 atoms) ≈ 10 u

(Hint: See the Mass table in Appendix D.)
hog/corn = (price of 3.108 slugs)/(price of U.S. bushel)
Let's convert into metric units, and turn it into the value for a price ratio of 1. Keep in mind that 1 slug = 14.59 kg.
1 hog/corn = (45.346 kg)/(35.238 L) = 1.287 kg/L
This is the ratio of a 3.108 slug pig to a bushel of corn, if their prices are both equal (in other words, with a ratio of 1 between prices). To find this value at a ratio of 5.7, we multiply this value by 5.7.
5.7 (1.287) = 7.3 (price of 1 kilogram of pig)/(price of 1 liter of corn)
NstepsΔx = [(4.57 m)/(0.19 m)](0.05 m) = 1.2 m
And this is a pretty good approximation. We can make it slightly better, however, by realizing that the "run" on the heighest step doesn't really count as a step (since it's part of the next level) and likely won't contribute to the overall change in horizontal depth of the stairs. We can correct this by simply subtracting 1 from the number of steps.
(Nsteps - 1)Δx = [(4.57 m)/(0.19 m) - 1](0.05 m) = 1.15 m ≈ 1.2 m
Rounded to two significant figures, it ends up being the same value anyway.
Part 2: Additional Multiple Choice Questions
Option 1: 1.5 x 105
Option 2: 1.5 x 10-3
Option 3: 1.5 x 103
Option 4: 1.5 x 101
Option 5: 1.5 x 10-1
Thanks to the Commutative Property of Multiplication (which states that any set of numbers can be multiplied in any order you want, just as long as multiplication is the only relevant operation being used), technically method of multiplication you choose will get a "correct" answer, but judging by the options we're given it looks as though we'll want to preserve the syntax of scientific notation. The reason why we would want to do this usually has to do with keeping a consistent number of significant figures. Whatever the case may be, a specific process will need to be used here.
The most viable way to compute a scientific notation problem in which both terms are being multiplied by one another is to simply multiply the parts in one term by their corresponding bits in the opposite term. Let's elaborate on this:
In the problem above, the two bits being multiplied by the "ten-power" term are 5.0 and 3.0. Because we want to preserve the ten-power terms, let's just multiply these standard integers on their own. 5.0 * 3.0 = 15. Cool. Now let's multiply the ten-power terms. (10^4) * (10^-6) can be calculated easily enough using the concept that two of the same base numbers raised to different powers multiplied by one another is equal to that same base number raised to the power of the sum of the powers... Well, that might seem like a lot to swallow. It's easier-done-than-said, fortunately. The 10's are the same, so ignore them for a second and focus on the powers: 4 and -6. So, add them together and we get (4) + (-6), which equals (-2).
Our current answer is now (15 x 10^-2). This is improper, however. According to the actual rules of scientific notation, the number that ISN'T the 10^n (which, fun fact, is known as the "significand" in the context of scientific notation) must be a number from 1.0 to 9.9. There can not be more than one digit left of the decimal point. To fix this, just shift the decimals accordingly. Move the decimal point on the "15" to the left one space to become "1.5". In order to keep the same overall value of the number, we must alter the order of magnitude (the power that 10 is raised to) as well. Because we lowered 15 by a power of 10, the 10^-2 must be raised by a power of 10 equally to counteract this. It then becomes 10^-1.
Therefore, our final answer is:
Option 1: a precision meter stick in Paris
Option 2: the distance from the north pole to the equator along a meridian passing through Paris
Option 3: the speed of light
Option 4: wavelength of light emitted by Hg198
Option 5: wavelength of light emitted by Kr86
Now, let's take a look at the SI definition of what the standard of length (AKA .. A meter, or metre if you're not American) actually is. According to the BIPM, the French conference that decides what the standard of length should be, the formal definition is as follows:
"The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/(299 792 458) of a second."
Only one of our options fits into that, so our answer is:
Fun fact: With the exception of option 4, every other option listed actually was the definition of a metre at one point or another. When it was first defined in 1793, it was based on the distance to the North Pole. In 1799, it was changed to be based on the length of an actual metre bar, and in 1960 it was redefined as the number of wavelengths of an emission of krypton-86. The current definition we now use was adopted in 1983.
OPTION 1: 100 km/hr
OPTION 2: 50 km/hr
OPTION 3: cannot be calculated without knowing the acceleration
OPTION 4: 0 km/hr
OPTION 5: 200 km/hr
The intuitive formula for velocity is V = (Xf - Xi)/(t) -- Where "V" equals the average velocity, "Xf" equals the final position relative to our starting point (also known as our "displacement"), "Xi" equals the initial position, and "t" equals the time elapsed during the event described. Plug our numbers into this formula and we get (0 - 0)/(2hr), which obviously equals 0 km/hr.
If this answer comes as a shock to you, I suggest doing a bit of research on vectors and velocity before attempting the problems that follow this one. It's a pretty fundamental concept that's important to get down - As I hinted in the last paragraph, the velocity is dependent NOT on the total distance actually travelled during a timeframe, but is dependent on the total DISPLACEMENT during a timeframe. Displacement is based purely on the distance from the starting point to the end point, regardless of what it did in between. Since the starting point and the end point are the same in this case, there is no displacement at all. The displacement is zero, and as such the velocity is zero as well.

The word 'constant' tells us that there's no acceleration, meaning that the line we're looking for shouldn't be curved at all, because this would imply that the rate of change of the object's movement is altered in some way throughout the course of the time interval.
Graph II is the only option we're given that has a completely straight line without a slope of zero, so that's our answer.

OPTION 1: 3m/s
OPTION 2: 12m/s
OPTION 3: -12m/s
OPTION 4: Need additional information.
OPTION 5: -3m/s
Slope formula = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). Plug in our values: (0 - 12)/(9 - 5) = -12/4 = -3
And the slope over that point is -3. Because we know that velocity is the slope of the position graph, we now know that the instantaneous velocity at this point is -3 m/s.
OPTION 1: Yes, this is possible if the initial velocity is negative.
OPTION 2: Yes, this is possible but only if the object is moving in two dimensions.
OPTION 3: Yes, this is possible if the initial velocity is zero.
OPTION 4: No, this is not possible.
OPTION 5: Yes, speed will always decrease if acceleration is positive.
In other words, if the velocity is positive initially, and suddenly the speed starts increasing, then acceleration is increasing. However, if velocity is negative initially, then an increase in acceleration causes the velocity to become "less negative" and approach zero until it becomes positive like in our previous example. In this case, although the velocity is "increasing" in the sense that we're at a negative number and approaching the positives, the speed is decreasing. If you're still not understanding this, it might help to think of speed as the absolute value of velocity -- Although the velocity increases as it approaches zero from the negative side, the speed is only decreasing because the absolute value approaches zero either way.

OPTION 1: I, II, and III only
OPTION 2: I and IV only
OPTION 3: I and II only
OPTION 4: IV and V only
OPTION 5: IV only
On the other hand, Graph I shows the position increasing on a linear slope (meaning constant velocity), and Graph IV shows a velocity graph with a slope of zero (meaning, the velocity isn't changing). There you go.